With a Foglio edit, the best of your writing comes to life.

When you're ready to publish your book, there are many important steps to take. Each step matters to make sure your book is the best it can be, and editing is the first step. At Foglio, we help unlock your book’s potential with various editing solutions to suit your particular needs, whether it’s a simple copy edit to check for spelling and grammar issues, or a substantive edit to improve the full scope of your book project.

Well-Edited Books Sell Better. An unedited book can sell, but it will never reach its full potential.

Write Without Fear, Edit Without Mercy - Foglio Editing Services

When you work with Foglio, a professional editor works closely with you to make sure every part of your book is the best it can be. There are different types of editing, but not every book needs all of them, and not every author wants to invest in them. You decide how much editing your book gets. Our editors will help you choose the best options for you and your goals. Here are the main types of editing services we offer at Foglio:

Copy Editing

This thorough edit checks everything from spelling and grammar to fixing awkward sentences and making sure the writing flows well. You get to review and approve each change, keeping control of your manuscript.

Copy editing is super important. It ensures your book is free of basic mistakes, making it easier to read.

Developmental Editing

This big-picture edit focuses on making your whole manuscript better. It looks at things like the main themes and the overall structure. It gives you clear advice on how to make your book stronger.

Structural Editing

This goes even deeper than developmental editing. The editor might suggest changes to how your story is organized. You'll have a chat with the editor to discuss their suggestions in detail.

Stylistic Editing

Also called Line Editing, this edit makes sure the language in your book fits your readers. It fixes sentence lengths and removes confusing words or phrases.


This is the final check before your book goes to print. An editor looks for any last-minute mistakes in spelling, punctuation, or grammar.

Manuscript Evaluations

These come in two sizes: full and partial. A full evaluation looks at your entire manuscript, while a partial one focuses on the first 50 pages. You'll get detailed feedback on what's working and what needs improvement.


You've put a lot of effort into your book. Let a professional editor help you make it even better. Our editors at Foglio will work with you to make your manuscript shine. You decide what kind of help you need. We're here to get you and your book ready for publication. If you know what type of editing your manuscript needs, get a personalized quote from one of our editors. If you're not sure, let one of our editors review your manuscript and give you advice.

Contact a Foglio Custom Book Specialist to start the editing process today!

Self-Publishing Quote Form

It’s never been easier to print a book. Just fill out the form below and a Foglio team member will reach out to get an estimate started for your book project.