eBook Design & Validation

eBooks created by Foglio capture the essence of our design philosophy. Our eBook design process is guided by two principles: ease of reading and stunning design. What you get from Foglio is the confidence of a personalized design that matches the purpose and power of your work. We create eBooks from Word files, PDF files, and InDesign files, exporting to .epub and .mobi formats.

Foglio eBook Mockup Design

Unlock the Power of Exceptional eBook Design with Foglio

At Foglio, we're pioneers in the digital publishing realm, boasting over a decade of expertise in crafting immersive digital experiences through eBooks. Dive into the world of eBook Design and Validation with us, where innovation meets industry standards seamlessly.

Crafting eBooks with Precision and Proficiency

Embark on a journey where every pixel, every font choice, and every layout decision speaks volumes about your content. Our meticulous design process ensures that your eBook not only meets but exceeds IDPF 3.2 standards, setting the benchmark for quality and compatibility across all platforms.

Navigating the Landscape of eBook Formats

Explore the versatility of eBook formats as we seamlessly translate your vision into reality. From the ubiquitous EPUB to the Kindle-friendly MOBI, we ensure that your content shines brightly, regardless of the platform your readers choose.

Online Distribution Made Effortless

Witness your eBook soar to new heights as we navigate the intricate web of online distribution channels. With Foglio, your masterpiece reaches the fingertips of readers worldwide through all major retailers, including Amazon, Apple Books, Rakuten, Barnes & Noble, and beyond.

The Foglio Difference: A Seamless Design Process

Experience the Foglio advantage firsthand as we guide you through our streamlined design process:

  • Consultation: Collaborate with our seasoned experts to outline your vision and goals.

  • Design & Validation: Watch as your vision takes shape through our precise design techniques, meticulously validating each element to ensure compliance with industry standards.

  • Format Optimization: Witness the magic unfold as we tailor your eBook for various formats, ensuring maximum reach and accessibility.

  • Distribution: Sit back and relax as we handle the complexities of online distribution, ensuring your eBook reaches its intended audience with ease.

Contact a Foglio Custom Book Specialist Today

Ready to embark on your digital publishing journey? Don't wait any longer. Contact a Foglio Custom Book Specialist today to unlock the full potential of your content. Whether you're a seasoned author or a budding storyteller, Foglio is your trusted partner in bringing digital publications to the world.

Experience the Foglio difference – where innovation meets excellence in eBook design and distribution. Let's create something extraordinary together.

Self-Publishing Quote Form

It’s never been easier to print a book. Just fill out the form below and a Foglio team member will reach out to get an estimate started for your book project.